
Guided Meditation

In order to know peace you must bathe yourself in the peaceful state within you through transcendent meditation. It is often easier to attain this state of peace if you are guided there by someone like myself who can cognize that state.  I am then drawing you in rather than simply pointing the way.  Following the rhythm and tone of my voice you are eased along on your inward journey of self-discovery and peace.  I am happy to assist you by offering several downloads.
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Conscious Creator Imagery

In the understanding that we are the creators of our lives, we tap into this awareness in a deep meditative state in order to consciously re-create what it is we desire in terms of physical health and life circumstances.  Envisioning from this state of consciousness we utilize powerful images and statements to alter existing conditions at an atomic and cellular level.  Our world changes at our command.  Several examples are available to you for free.
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